Survey says Mountain Brook residents more than satisfied with their city

Survey says Mountain Brook residents more than satisfied with their city

The results of the citizen survey given during the June 26 city council meeting made one thing very clear: people who live in Mountain Brook are very happy with their city.

“Residents have a very positive perception of the city,” said Jason Morado of ETC Institute. “Ninety-nine and a half percent of respondents rate Mountain Brook as an excellent or a good place to live, so we rounded up to 100%. There were only two respondents that gave a rating of neutral. Everybody else gave a rating of excellent or good, which is the highest number that I’ve ever seen.

99% of those who took the survey also rated Mountain Brook as an excellent or good place to raise children, which Morado said is among the highest numbers he’s ever seen.

“Overall satisfaction ratings this year are similar to previous years, which is a positive, because your ratings have always been among the highest in the country,” he said.

Continued high ratings are particularly impressive, he added, because most cities ETC surveyed have had overall a decrease in satisfaction compared to previous years.

“We also found that satisfaction with the overall quality of city services, just like every other year we conducted the survey, is much higher in Mountain Brook than in other cities, rating above the U.S. average in all 43 areas,” Morado said. “That’s one of the most important questions on the survey because we’re asking residents to consider all the services that you’re providing.”

Mountain Brook rated 46 percentage points above the U.S. average. The city rated 52 percentage points above the U.S. average in customer service and city employees.

Respondents rated elected officials and board members at an 84 percent satisfaction rating.

“I think it’s obvious to everybody up here and it’s so clear that we have excellent employees and department heads in front of the city,” Council President Virginia Smith said. “We’ve got to work on our 84% up here (on the council dais).”

View the original post in Village Living by Solomon Crenshaw Jr. on March 24, 2023.