About the DirectionFinder® Survey
About the DirectionFinder® Survey for Libraries
What Is ETC Institute’s DirectionFinder® Survey for Libraries?
During the past two decades, ETC Institute has conducted more than 100 surveys for libraries. In 2019, ETC Institute standardized a core set of questions that are now regularly included on most of the library surveys that are administered by our firm. By standardizing the questions, ETC Institute has been able to develop benchmarks that library officials use to objectively assess their results compared to regional and national norms. DirectionFinder®: LB refers to the standardized set of questions that ETC Institute has developed for our library surveys.
What Is Source of the Data for This Dashboard?
The data presented in this dashboard comes from a National Survey of U.S. Residents. The survey was administered by ETC Institute to a random sample of 5,520 U.S. residents in all 50 states. The sample was managed to ensure that the demographic composition of the sample would be similar to the U.S. Census Bureau’s estimates for the U.S. population with regard to age, race, and gender. The sample was also designed to ensure that at least 400 surveys were completed from each of 10 geographic regions. The overall results of the national survey have an accuracy of at least +/-1.4% at the 95% level of confidence. The results for each of the 10 regions have an accuracy of at least +/-4.9% at the 95% level of confidence. This survey will be repeated on an annual basis and trends will be provided in future years.
How Can I Get More Information?
For more information, please contact Ryan Murray, Assistant Director of Community Research, at Ryan.Murray@etcinstitute.com or 913-829-1215.
Data within ETC Institute’s DirectionFinder Dashboard Series cannot be published without the written consent from ETC Institute
For consent to publish any data from ETC Institute’s DirectionFinder Dashboard Series, please contact Jason Morado, Vice President of Community Research, at Jason.Morado@etcinstitute.com or 913-829-1215.